What are the benefits of Aqua MedZyme Liquid?

Aqua Medzyme Liquid


Reduce the deadly bacteria in your koi pond

How does your koi and pond benefit from Aqua MedZyme Liquid?

  • Aqua MedZyme’s beneficial pond bacteria reduces the deadly bacteria “Ameromonas/Pseudomonas” in your pond water that causes bacterial infections such as, koi ulcers, fin & tail rot, body sores and more. Important details:Deadly Pond Bacteria
  • Aqua MedZyme’s beneficial pond bacteria helps heal koi pond fish ulcers, body sores and bacterial infections
  • Aqua MedZyme’s beneficial pond bacteria enhances the life saving “good bacteria” in your pond filter through competitive exclusion (starving) of heterotrophic microbes that tend to block the growth of the “good bacteria” in your pond filter